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NSCA's Essentials of Personal TrainingWinning Ways (FYI):
NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

By Gregory "Graig" White
SJSports Physical Fitness Advisor

This is one great publication, I dare say that this could be the one book about personal training that may have the answer to any question a person who is serious about the business may have. There are more than 250 pictures that illustrate proper stretching and strength training techniques that have been proven to be efficient and effective.

Also included is information on how to deal with clients who have special exercise needs, such as pregnant women, older adults and overweight clients. This book is considered to be the most comprehensive reference publication available to personal trainers and other fitness professionals. As an exam prep tool, it's thought to be unmatched in its scope and relevance to the NSCA-Certified Personal trainer exam.

There are 25 chapters that cover aspects of exercise science all the way to safety and legal issues. I can’t say enough how important a tool like this is to the arsenal of anyone working in the fitness business, if you don’t have it trust me it is in the best interest of yours and your clients to get it.

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